rAther disappointing!

We were in formal today... We set off at ard 1030hr from camp lo... the guys managed to squeeze into RAV4. ahahaha... Im driving so its okay! hee...
Without the car label, we are unable to drive all the way in lo... Parked at EXPO and took a shuttle bus($2 per trip) to the site. Sux! Okay then, reached there and walked in thru various security check. Few plane and chopper displayed there. We were there juz in time to watch the airshow... i'm not impressed, maybe my expectation too high ba... Anyway, after 30mins of lifting my head to see aircraft, JJ and i went in to the exhibition hall... We walked ard and took some pics. Bump into joel and the rest, they were playing with guns! ask richard to take a pic of mi taking aim! haha
Wat a surprise was that i saw my cousin selling stamp at the retail village! haha... I bought a collection stamp from her. Pls patronise her SINGPost booth if u guys are there! Thereafter, we watched the demo from the iraq army on situation act... Pretty cool though.
Have lunch at EXPO and drove to Swissotel for dropping off... i oso left from there... Took 133 home. Damn tired!!!!
BUT as i walked past my Community Club, i saw my junior playing bball, and SO get changed and join them... haha... Passion for SPORT!!!
And now, sleepy... zzzzzZZZZZZZZz!!!