cheeky boy!

Went back to granny's place with 2 of my good frenz... We took train, and talk lotsa of crap.. Its really nice to hv someone to accompany you home and tok cock with... muahahaha... gdgd...

What's up, guy! 'Why there's a problem?, cos there's a solution to it' 'Why there's a carpark?, cos there's a lot for u to it' Juz that it takes time for u to find one. Either u park elsewhere or u wait for one. It is up to you! Be optimistic... Regards & cheers
Alex & Esther...
ZQ, Pang, hao and i decided to stay overnitez loh. we went hiking ard pasir ris park; the maze and the pitch dark swamp! eerie @ nitez, esp the season we are in now... hee
Got back to chalet, fred's parent brought out some foods and we ate 'supper'. At ard 2am, we went up the room and rest. We played cards thruout the nitez... *yawnzz. all of us are tired, i suggested take 5! ZQ went downstair for toilet(which is outside the chalet). Then fred locked all the doors. Yes, he trapped outside loh. From upstair, we looked for him. He's strolling ard the chalet loh. Then we saw him outside the brick wall, fred asked him to climb the wall. hahah. Its almost twice his height(12 feet wall).
Wow liew! He seriously conquered the wall! all of us were laughing like hell. the way he climbed. hahahahaha...
Thereafter, we played the ultimate 'Truth or Dare'!!!
Only Zq and I played loh... Whoever got the bigger card, get the chance to ask the other party. Ironically, i always got the bigger card. lolx... so i asked ZQ some 'interesting' qn loh. He chose to tell us his story then... he's not happy the fact that i kept asking him. He said 'now, whoever got the smaller card, ask!' okay, i let him draw 1st....
He got 5 SPADE and I GOT 5 DIAMOND.... lolx...
We were laughing like hell!!! we juz cant stand it...
We slept abit and bid farewell to fred @ 7am...
Pang rode off, and Hao, ZQ and i slowly walked out.
I waited for my parent and follow then to Bedok market. We have breakfast and went home shortly. I bathed and slept thruout... zzZZZZzzzzz